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【過去ログ】Wanted Bandscore !!
DATE2003/03/12 20:19
I wanna Tak. Matsumoto's "Go Further" Bandscore.
In Korea, There is no imported Licensed Bandscore yet. So, I wanna have Scanned score.
Please, Send me a scanned "Go Further" Bandscore.
If anyone who have send it to me by E-mail, I will give him my various Music Stuff.
For Example, Various HM/HR sound files, midi files, another musician's scanned score...etc. :-)
Please, Send me a score~~~. ^L^
In Korea, There is no imported Licensed Bandscore yet. So, I wanna have Scanned score.
Please, Send me a scanned "Go Further" Bandscore.
If anyone who have send it to me by E-mail, I will give him my various Music Stuff.
For Example, Various HM/HR sound files, midi files, another musician's scanned score...etc. :-)
Please, Send me a score~~~. ^L^
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