こちらの掲示板は「Communication World!!」です。ライブのネタバレは「ライブレポ」へ。
DATE2007/11/24 15:53
This is one of the greatest honesties for B'z, also for me.
I'm very glad to be here, and I deeply appliciate everything.
It's so great to be here today.
And we could't imagine this when we started this band twenty years ago, so we would just like to say "thank you".
Fans in Japan, of course, and all the peole who have been helping us for amazing twenty years.Thank you so much.どうもありがとう。
This is one of the greatest honesties for B'z, also for me.
I'm very glad to be here, and I deeply appliciate everything.
It's so great to be here today.
And we could't imagine this when we started this band twenty years ago, so we would just like to say "thank you".
Fans in Japan, of course, and all the peole who have been helping us for amazing twenty years.Thank you so much.どうもありがとう。
ryozzy.net他 1 個