こちらの掲示板は「Communication World!!」です。ライブのネタバレは「ライブレポ」へ。
DATE2009/11/16 15:47
Stevie Salasの公式サイトの一昨日付けのニュース記事で
in between all this the mighty koshi ianaba from the japan super group bz flew to LA and we recorded 6 new tracks for his solo cd and his new stuff is on point!!
とありました(」 ゜□゜)」
in between all this the mighty koshi ianaba from the japan super group bz flew to LA and we recorded 6 new tracks for his solo cd and his new stuff is on point!!
とありました(」 ゜□゜)」
ryozzy.net他 1 個